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Austria Required Documents

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DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AUSTRIA                                         

The document requirements for Secondary (High School) are as follows:

  1. We require the original documents for the Reifprüfungszeugnis (Maturity Examination Certificate) or equivalent vocational diploma.  
  2. We require an official document issued in a sealed envelope for the Annual

Certificate (Jahreszeugnis) for each year of secondary school.   

The document requirements for University level education for Austria are as follows:

  1. We require a photocopy or scan of both sides of your degree/diploma.
  2. We require a photocopy or scan of both sides of your Final examination certificate.
  3. We require an official document issued in a sealed envelope for your Statement of Academic Achievement or equivalent grade report.  The European Diploma Supplement is acceptable for completed programs.  

Please submit English Translations for all documents issued in a foreign language. 

Please go to for a list of translators for assistance with your translations needs. 

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