Where are my documents?

Estimated reading time: 1 min

We process mail daily and ensure that all documents go through an initial review by our Processing Team. We accept submissions from all courier services.

Next Steps

Once we receive your documents, you will receive an email update confirming their receipt and providing an estimated turnaround time for your evaluation. We will also update your status on your user portal.

Evaluations are completed in the order that documents are received.

If you submitted original documents, we will return them to you upon completing your evaluation if you ordered a return mailing service. Please remember to include your FACS Identification number with any documents you send.


Return Shipping

Our shipping application uses the address you provided in your application to return your documents via the courier service you selected. You will receive tracking information from the United States Postal Service or UPS, based on your chosen mailing option.

If you need to change your return mailing address, please email us at [email protected] and include your FACS Identification number.

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