CPA Credentials Evaluations
Education Credential Evaluation
Employment Credential Evaluations
Immigration Credential Evaluations
Military Credential Evaluations
Municipal / Government Credential Evaluations
Barbering & Cosmetology Evaluations
CLIA / Laboratory Technician Evaluations
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How Does It Work? (A brief overview our services)
Where are my documents?
Does FACS offer Rush services?
Business Hours – When FACS is Open?
Does FACS provide evaluations for medical or nursing degrees?
What is a FACS Identification Number?
How does the Rush service work?
Processing time and Rush options
Does FACS provide refunds for canceled applications?
Does FACS provide pre-evaluation services?
Will FACS return my original documents to me?
How long does FACS keep my evaluation?
Adding or editing information to application after you’ve applied
Types of Evaluations
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